Add the pre-built image.

piradio 2019-05-23 22:45:53 +02:00
parent 82be2f6eb1
commit 2682ab33b8
1 changed files with 17 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -31,3 +31,20 @@ Those settings are recommended by the RaspberryPi instructions.
## controlling your radio via web interface ## controlling your radio via web interface
You can control your radio via web interface: find its IP and in your browser enter `http://[IP of your radio]:8080` with no username and password `raspberry`. You can control your radio via web interface: find its IP and in your browser enter `http://[IP of your radio]:8080` with no username and password `raspberry`.
## ready-to-flash image
Out of security concerns I recommend you read the [code]( and build the image yourself.
But, if you prefer to trust a stranger on the Internet with your Pirate Radio, for your convenience you will find the latest image pre-compiled here: [2019-05-23-Piradio-lite.img]( . Just flash it
and configure your wifi. You can also optionally configure your own radio streams playlist.
The files to edit are:
- wifi: `/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf` (edit this file)
- playlist: `/home/pi/.config/vlc/playlist.m3u` (create this file)
You can edit them before or after flashing the image:
- before flashing you can mount the `.img`.
With a modern operating system you probably just have to click the .img.
With Linux you can use `kpartx` (from the `multipath-tools` package) to be able to mount the partition directly: `sudo kpartx -a path/to/2019-05-23-Piradio-lite.img` followed by `sudo mount /dev/mapper/loop0p2 tmp/ -o loop,rw`
(you will need to create the mount directory first and check what loop device you are using with `sudo kpartx -l path/to/2019-05-23-Piradio-lite.img`). Then you can edit the files mentionned above. And `sudo umount tmp`.
You are safe to flash the image.
- after flashing your operating system probably automounts the partitions.