
237 lines
6.8 KiB

/* Copyright (c) 2018 FIRST. All Rights Reserved. */
/* Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code */
/* must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of */
/* the project. */
#include "NetworkSettings.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <wpi/FileSystem.h>
#include <wpi/MathExtras.h>
#include <wpi/SmallString.h>
#include <wpi/json.h>
#include <wpi/raw_istream.h>
#include <wpi/raw_ostream.h>
#include <wpi/uv/Process.h>
#include <wpi/uv/util.h>
namespace uv = wpi::uv;
#ifdef __RASPBIAN9__
#define DHCPCD_CONF "/boot/dhcpcd.conf"
#define DHCPCD_CONF "dhcpcd.conf"
Format of generated portion for static:
interface eth0
static ip_address=<networkAddress>/<networkMask as CIDR>
static routers=<networkGateway>
static domain_name_servers=<networkDNS>
For static fallback:
profile static_eth0
static ip_address=<networkAddress>/<networkMask as CIDR>
static routers=<networkGateway>
static domain_name_servers=<networkDNS>
interface eth0
fallback static_eth0
wpi::StringRef CidrToNetmask(unsigned int cidr,
wpi::SmallVectorImpl<char>& buf) {
in_addr addr = { htonl(wpi::maskLeadingOnes<uint32_t>(cidr)) };
wpi::uv::AddrToName(addr, &buf);
return wpi::StringRef(buf.data(), buf.size());
bool NetmaskToCidr(wpi::StringRef netmask, unsigned int* cidr) {
in_addr addr;
if (wpi::uv::NameToAddr(netmask, &addr) != 0) return false;
uint32_t hostAddr = ntohl(addr.s_addr);
auto leadingOnes = wpi::countLeadingOnes(hostAddr);
auto trailingZeros = wpi::countTrailingZeros(hostAddr);
if (leadingOnes + trailingZeros != 32) return false;
*cidr = leadingOnes;
return true;
std::shared_ptr<NetworkSettings> NetworkSettings::GetInstance() {
static auto inst = std::make_shared<NetworkSettings>(private_init{});
return inst;
void NetworkSettings::Set(Mode mode, wpi::StringRef address,
wpi::StringRef mask, wpi::StringRef gateway,
wpi::StringRef dns,
std::function<void(wpi::StringRef)> onFail) {
// validate and sanitize inputs
wpi::SmallString<32> addressOut;
unsigned int cidr;
wpi::SmallString<32> gatewayOut;
wpi::SmallString<128> dnsOut;
// address
in_addr addressAddr;
if (wpi::uv::NameToAddr(address, &addressAddr) != 0) {
wpi::SmallString<128> err;
err += "invalid address '";
err += address;
err += "'";
wpi::uv::AddrToName(addressAddr, &addressOut);
// mask
if (!NetmaskToCidr(mask, &cidr)) {
wpi::SmallString<128> err;
err += "invalid netmask '";
err += mask;
err += "'";
// gateway (may be blank)
in_addr gatewayAddr;
if (wpi::uv::NameToAddr(gateway, &gatewayAddr) == 0)
wpi::uv::AddrToName(gatewayAddr, &gatewayOut);
// dns
wpi::SmallVector<wpi::StringRef, 4> dnsStrs;
wpi::SmallString<32> oneDnsOut;
bool first = true;
dns.split(dnsStrs, ' ', -1, false);
for (auto dnsStr : dnsStrs) {
in_addr dnsAddr;
if (wpi::uv::NameToAddr(dnsStr, &dnsAddr) != 0) {
wpi::SmallString<128> err;
err += "invalid DNS address '";
err += dnsStr;
err += "'";
wpi::uv::AddrToName(dnsAddr, &oneDnsOut);
if (!first) dnsOut += ' ';
first = false;
dnsOut += oneDnsOut;
// read file (up to but not including the marker)
std::vector<std::string> lines;
std::error_code ec;
wpi::raw_fd_istream is(DHCPCD_CONF, ec);
if (ec) {
onFail("could not read " DHCPCD_CONF);
wpi::SmallString<256> lineBuf;
while (!is.has_error()) {
wpi::StringRef line = is.getline(lineBuf, 256).trim();
if (line == GEN_MARKER) break;
// write file
// write original lines
wpi::raw_fd_ostream os(DHCPCD_CONF, ec, wpi::sys::fs::F_Text);
if (ec) {
onFail("could not write " DHCPCD_CONF);
for (auto&& line : lines)
os << line << '\n';
// write marker
os << GEN_MARKER << '\n';
// write generated config
switch (mode) {
case kDhcp:
break; // nothing required
case kStatic:
os << "interface eth0\n";
os << "static ip_address=" << addressOut << '/' << cidr << '\n';
if (!gatewayOut.empty()) os << "static routers=" << gatewayOut << '\n';
if (!dnsOut.empty())
os << "static domain_name_servers=" << dnsOut << '\n';
case kDhcpStatic:
os << "profile static_eth0\n";
os << "static ip_address=" << addressOut << '/' << cidr << '\n';
if (!gatewayOut.empty()) os << "static routers=" << gatewayOut << '\n';
if (!dnsOut.empty())
os << "static domain_name_servers=" << dnsOut << '\n';
os << "interface eth0\n";
os << "fallback static_eth0\n";
// tell dhcpcd to reload config
if (auto proc =
uv::Process::Spawn(m_loop, "/sbin/dhcpcd", "/sbin/dhcpcd", "-n")) {
proc->exited.connect([p = proc.get()](int64_t, int) { p->Close(); });
void NetworkSettings::UpdateStatus() { status(GetStatusJson()); }
wpi::json NetworkSettings::GetStatusJson() {
std::error_code ec;
wpi::raw_fd_istream is(DHCPCD_CONF, ec);
if (ec) {
wpi::errs() << "could not read " DHCPCD_CONF "\n";
return wpi::json();
wpi::json j = {{"type", "networkSettings"}, {"networkApproach", "dhcp"}};
wpi::SmallString<256> lineBuf;
bool foundMarker = false;
while (!is.has_error()) {
wpi::StringRef line = is.getline(lineBuf, 256).trim();
if (line == GEN_MARKER) foundMarker = true;
if (!foundMarker) continue;
if (line.empty()) continue;
if (line.startswith("static ip_address")) {
j["networkApproach"] = "static";
wpi::StringRef value = line.split('=').second.trim();
wpi::StringRef cidrStr;
std::tie(j["networkAddress"], cidrStr) = value.split('/');
unsigned int cidrInt;
if (!cidrStr.getAsInteger(10, cidrInt)) {
wpi::SmallString<64> netmaskBuf;
j["networkMask"] = CidrToNetmask(cidrInt, netmaskBuf);
} else if (line.startswith("static routers")) {
j["networkGateway"] = line.split('=').second.trim();
} else if (line.startswith("static domain_name_servers")) {
j["networkDNS"] = line.split('=').second.trim();
} else if (line.startswith("fallback")) {
j["networkApproach"] = "dhcp-fallback";
return j;