Peter Johnson c85fd9f33c
Revamp image to build dependencies as part of stages (#83)
Fixes #17.

Stage 2 is fairly minimal, stage 3 builds/installs OpenCV and WPILib et al, and stage 4
builds/installs the FRCVision webdash and adds the vision examples.

Other changes:
- OpenCV compiled with ffmpeg, OpenBLAS, and libgtk (fixes #79, fixes #80)
- OpenBLAS added to image (fixes #65)
- C++ Makefile is more easily extensible (fixes #71)
- Sources for everything are bundled into image into /usr/src
- README updated (fixes #16)
- pkg-config files for wpilibc et al are now installed and C++ Makefile uses them (if compiled local to Pi)
- Both dynamic and static libs are included in image

The only downside of all these changes (particularly the ffmpeg, OpenBLAS, and libgtk inclusion)
is the image size is now over 3GB (800MB compressed). The previous image didn't quite fit on a
2GB card however.
2019-02-02 23:37:18 -08:00

231 lines
6.7 KiB

/* Copyright (c) 2018 FIRST. All Rights Reserved. */
/* Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code */
/* must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of */
/* the project. */
#include "NetworkSettings.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <wpi/FileSystem.h>
#include <wpi/MathExtras.h>
#include <wpi/SmallString.h>
#include <wpi/json.h>
#include <wpi/raw_istream.h>
#include <wpi/raw_ostream.h>
#include <wpi/uv/Process.h>
#include <wpi/uv/util.h>
namespace uv = wpi::uv;
Format of generated portion for static:
interface eth0
static ip_address=<networkAddress>/<networkMask as CIDR>
static routers=<networkGateway>
static domain_name_servers=<networkDNS>
For static fallback:
profile static_eth0
static ip_address=<networkAddress>/<networkMask as CIDR>
static routers=<networkGateway>
static domain_name_servers=<networkDNS>
interface eth0
fallback static_eth0
wpi::StringRef CidrToNetmask(unsigned int cidr,
wpi::SmallVectorImpl<char>& buf) {
in_addr addr = { htonl(wpi::maskLeadingOnes<uint32_t>(cidr)) };
wpi::uv::AddrToName(addr, &buf);
return wpi::StringRef(buf.data(), buf.size());
bool NetmaskToCidr(wpi::StringRef netmask, unsigned int* cidr) {
in_addr addr;
if (wpi::uv::NameToAddr(netmask, &addr) != 0) return false;
uint32_t hostAddr = ntohl(addr.s_addr);
auto leadingOnes = wpi::countLeadingOnes(hostAddr);
auto trailingZeros = wpi::countTrailingZeros(hostAddr);
if (leadingOnes + trailingZeros != 32) return false;
*cidr = leadingOnes;
return true;
std::shared_ptr<NetworkSettings> NetworkSettings::GetInstance() {
static auto inst = std::make_shared<NetworkSettings>(private_init{});
return inst;
void NetworkSettings::Set(Mode mode, wpi::StringRef address,
wpi::StringRef mask, wpi::StringRef gateway,
wpi::StringRef dns,
std::function<void(wpi::StringRef)> onFail) {
// validate and sanitize inputs
wpi::SmallString<32> addressOut;
unsigned int cidr;
wpi::SmallString<32> gatewayOut;
wpi::SmallString<128> dnsOut;
// address
in_addr addressAddr;
if (wpi::uv::NameToAddr(address, &addressAddr) != 0) {
wpi::SmallString<128> err;
err += "invalid address '";
err += address;
err += "'";
wpi::uv::AddrToName(addressAddr, &addressOut);
// mask
if (!NetmaskToCidr(mask, &cidr)) {
wpi::SmallString<128> err;
err += "invalid netmask '";
err += mask;
err += "'";
// gateway (may be blank)
in_addr gatewayAddr;
if (wpi::uv::NameToAddr(gateway, &gatewayAddr) == 0)
wpi::uv::AddrToName(gatewayAddr, &gatewayOut);
// dns
wpi::SmallVector<wpi::StringRef, 4> dnsStrs;
wpi::SmallString<32> oneDnsOut;
bool first = true;
dns.split(dnsStrs, ' ', -1, false);
for (auto dnsStr : dnsStrs) {
in_addr dnsAddr;
if (wpi::uv::NameToAddr(dnsStr, &dnsAddr) != 0) {
wpi::SmallString<128> err;
err += "invalid DNS address '";
err += dnsStr;
err += "'";
wpi::uv::AddrToName(dnsAddr, &oneDnsOut);
if (!first) dnsOut += ' ';
first = false;
dnsOut += oneDnsOut;
// read file (up to but not including the marker)
std::vector<std::string> lines;
std::error_code ec;
wpi::raw_fd_istream is(DHCPCD_CONF, ec);
if (ec) {
onFail("could not read " DHCPCD_CONF);
wpi::SmallString<256> lineBuf;
while (!is.has_error()) {
wpi::StringRef line = is.getline(lineBuf, 256).trim();
if (line == GEN_MARKER) break;
// write file
// write original lines
wpi::raw_fd_ostream os(DHCPCD_CONF, ec, wpi::sys::fs::F_Text);
if (ec) {
onFail("could not write " DHCPCD_CONF);
for (auto&& line : lines)
os << line << '\n';
// write marker
os << GEN_MARKER << '\n';
// write generated config
switch (mode) {
case kDhcp:
break; // nothing required
case kStatic:
os << "interface eth0\n";
os << "static ip_address=" << addressOut << '/' << cidr << '\n';
if (!gatewayOut.empty()) os << "static routers=" << gatewayOut << '\n';
if (!dnsOut.empty())
os << "static domain_name_servers=" << dnsOut << '\n';
case kDhcpStatic:
os << "profile static_eth0\n";
os << "static ip_address=" << addressOut << '/' << cidr << '\n';
if (!gatewayOut.empty()) os << "static routers=" << gatewayOut << '\n';
if (!dnsOut.empty())
os << "static domain_name_servers=" << dnsOut << '\n';
os << "interface eth0\n";
os << "fallback static_eth0\n";
// tell dhcpcd to reload config
if (auto proc =
uv::Process::Spawn(m_loop, "/sbin/dhcpcd", "/sbin/dhcpcd", "-n")) {
proc->exited.connect([p = proc.get()](int64_t, int) { p->Close(); });
void NetworkSettings::UpdateStatus() { status(GetStatusJson()); }
wpi::json NetworkSettings::GetStatusJson() {
std::error_code ec;
wpi::raw_fd_istream is(DHCPCD_CONF, ec);
if (ec) {
wpi::errs() << "could not read " DHCPCD_CONF "\n";
return wpi::json();
wpi::json j = {{"type", "networkSettings"}, {"networkApproach", "dhcp"}};
wpi::SmallString<256> lineBuf;
bool foundMarker = false;
while (!is.has_error()) {
wpi::StringRef line = is.getline(lineBuf, 256).trim();
if (line == GEN_MARKER) foundMarker = true;
if (!foundMarker) continue;
if (line.empty()) continue;
if (line.startswith("static ip_address")) {
j["networkApproach"] = "static";
wpi::StringRef value = line.split('=').second.trim();
wpi::StringRef cidrStr;
std::tie(j["networkAddress"], cidrStr) = value.split('/');
unsigned int cidrInt;
if (!cidrStr.getAsInteger(10, cidrInt)) {
wpi::SmallString<64> netmaskBuf;
j["networkMask"] = CidrToNetmask(cidrInt, netmaskBuf);
} else if (line.startswith("static routers")) {
j["networkGateway"] = line.split('=').second.trim();
} else if (line.startswith("static domain_name_servers")) {
j["networkDNS"] = line.split('=').second.trim();
} else if (line.startswith("fallback")) {
j["networkApproach"] = "dhcp-fallback";
return j;