Add noobs export stage

Serge Schneider 2016-05-27 11:56:23 +01:00
parent 062af361c8
commit 5add7283d4
14 changed files with 262 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
#!/bin/bash -e
install -v -m 744 files/ ${NOOBS_DIR}/
install -v files/partitions.json ${NOOBS_DIR}/
install -v files/os.json ${NOOBS_DIR}/
install -v files/Raspbian.png ${NOOBS_DIR}/
install -v files/release_notes.txt ${NOOBS_DIR}/
tar -v -c -C files/marketing -f ${NOOBS_DIR}/marketing.tar .
BOOT_SIZE=$(xz --robot -l ${NOOBS_DIR}/boot.tar.xz | grep totals | cut -f 5)
ROOT_SIZE=$(xz --robot -l ${NOOBS_DIR}/root.tar.xz | grep totals | cut -f 5)
BOOT_SIZE=$(expr ${BOOT_SIZE} / 1000000 \+ 1)
ROOT_SIZE=$(expr ${ROOT_SIZE} / 1000000 \+ 1)
BOOT_NOM=$(expr ${BOOT_SIZE} \* 3)
ROOT_NOM=$(expr ${ROOT_SIZE} \+ 400)
sed ${NOOBS_DIR}/partitions.json -i -e "s|BOOT_SIZE|${BOOT_SIZE}|"
sed ${NOOBS_DIR}/partitions.json -i -e "s|ROOT_SIZE|${ROOT_SIZE}|"
sed ${NOOBS_DIR}/partitions.json -i -e "s|BOOT_NOM|${BOOT_NOM}|"
sed ${NOOBS_DIR}/partitions.json -i -e "s|ROOT_NOM|${ROOT_NOM}|"
sed ${NOOBS_DIR}/release_notes.txt -i -e "s|UNRELEASED|${IMG_DATE}|"
sed ${NOOBS_DIR}/os.json -i -e "s|UNRELEASED|${IMG_DATE}|"

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View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
"description": "A community-created port of Debian jessie for the Raspberry Pi",
"feature_level": 35120124,
"kernel": "4.4",
"name": "Raspbian",
"password": "raspberry",
"release_date": "UNRELEASED",
"supported_hex_revisions": "2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,d,e,f,10,11,12,14,19,1040,1041,0092,0093,2082",
"supported_models": [
"Pi Model",
"Pi 2",
"Pi Zero",
"Pi 3"
"url": "",
"username": "pi",
"version": "jessie"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
set -ex
if [ -z "$part1" ] || [ -z "$part2" ]; then
printf "Error: missing environment variable part1 or part2\n" 1>&2
exit 1
mkdir -p /tmp/1 /tmp/2
mount "$part1" /tmp/1
mount "$part2" /tmp/2
sed /tmp/1/cmdline.txt -i -e "s|root=/dev/[^ ]*|root=${part2}|"
sed /tmp/2/etc/fstab -i -e "s|^.* / |${part2} / |"
sed /tmp/2/etc/fstab -i -e "s|^.* /boot |${part1} /boot |"
if ! grep -q resize /proc/cmdline; then
sed -i 's/ quiet init=.*$//' /tmp/1/cmdline.txt
umount /tmp/1
umount /tmp/2

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
"partitions": [
"filesystem_type": "FAT",
"label": "boot",
"partition_size_nominal": BOOT_NOM,
"uncompressed_tarball_size": BOOT_SIZE,
"want_maximised": false
"filesystem_type": "ext4",
"label": "root",
"mkfs_options": "-O ^huge_file",
"partition_size_nominal": ROOT_NOM,
"uncompressed_tarball_size": ROOT_SIZE,
"want_maximised": true

View File

@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
* Fixed crash of lxpanel when D-bus not accessible
* Fixed permissions for D-bus Bluetooth access
* Removed sudo from shutdown options
* Appearance of tooltips updated in theme
* Fixed ejecter plugin grabbing focus
* raspi-config command line and GUI apps tidied; unnecessary reboots removed
* More error detection in piclone; copying of volume names and IDs added
* Updated translation files
* New version of Scratch, which no longer requires sudo
* New version of BlueJ
* New version of NodeRED
* New version of pypy
* pigpio included
* geany editor included
* SD Card Copier added (can be used to duplicate or back up the Pi)
* Bluetooth plugin added to taskbar
* Volume control on taskbar now compatible with Bluetooth devices
* New shutdown helper application
* Mouse double-click speed setting added to mouse and keyboard preference application
* Option to enable / disable 1-wire interface and remote access to pigpio added to Raspberry Pi config application
* File system automatically expanded on first boot
* Empty Wastebasket option added to right-click menu
* Ctrl-Alt-T can be used to open a terminal window
* Various small bug fixes and appearance tweaks
* Updated firmware and kernel (
* updated firmware and kernel (
* use serial0 in cmdline.txt
* wpa_supplicant.conf country default to GB (allows use of channels 12 and 13)
* Support added for Pi 3, including Wifi and Bluetooth
* Option to set wifi country code added to raspi-config
* dtb that uses mmc sdcard driver (fixes problems experienced with certain SD cards)
* new version of Sonic Pi (2.9)
* new version of Scratch (15/1/16)
* new version of Node-Red (2.5)
* new version of Wolfram (10.3)
* optional experimental GL desktop driver (can be enabled using advanced options in command-line raspi-config)
* new version of Java (1.8.0_65)
* new version of WiringPi
* raspi-gpio included
* ping no longer requires sudo (except NOOBS installs)
* support for more USB audio devices in lxpanel
* bug fix for creation of new menus in Alacarte
* various changes to raspi-config and GUI to tidy up board support and fix bugs, and updated translations
* small tweaks to theme to support GL driver
* Included IBM Node-RED IoT application
* Included graphical package manager
* Included accelerated pixman library
* Updated Epiphany browser to improve video compatibility
* Updated Scratch with performance improvements and bug fixes
* Updated Raspberry Pi configuration to allow boot to pause while
network is established
* Various minor bug fixes
* Based on Debian Jessie
* Upgraded applications - Epiphany browser, Scratch and Sonic Pi
* Included applications - LibreOffice, Claws Mail, Greenfoot, BlueJ
* Included utilities - Alacarte menu editor, Lxkeymap, scrot, tree, pip
* New GUI-based Raspberry Pi Configuration application
* GPIO control now possible without need for sudo
* Web link to Magpi magazine included
* New taskbar plugin to eject mounted USB drives
* Default boot is now to GUI not desktop
* Look and feel now based on GTK+3 default theme
* Print screen key launches scrot to produce screenshot
* Common keyboards autodetected by GUI and drivers loaded accordingly
* Numerous small tweaks and bugfixes
* Updated UI changes
* Updated firmware
* Install raspberrypi-net-mods
* Install avahi-daemon
* Add user pi to new i2c and spi groups
* Modified udev rules for i2c and spi devices
* Newer firmware with various fixes
* New Sonic Pi release
* Pi2 compatible RPi.GPIO
* Updated Wolfram Mathematica
* Support for Pi2
* Newer firmware
* New Sonic Pi release
* Updated Scratch
* New Wolfram Mathematica release
* Updated Epiphany
* Fix regression with omission of python-pygame
* New firmware with variosu fixes and improvements
* New UI configuration for lxde
* Various package updates
* python3-pygame preinstalled
* 'nuscratch', scratch running on the Cog StackVM
* Misc other changes
* New firmware with various fixes and improvements
* Minecraft Pi pre-installed
* Sonic Pi upgraded to 2.0
* Include Epiphany browser work from Collabora
* Switch to Java 8 from Java 7
* Updated Mathematica
* Misc minor configuration changes
* New firmware with various fixes, and kernel bugfix
* Many, many firmware updates with major USB improvements
* pyserial installed by default
* picamera installed by default
* Firmware updated
* Some space saved on the root filesystem
* Firmware updated, includes V4L2 fixes
* Update omxplayer
* Firmware updated and now using kernel 3.10. Many, many improvements
* fbturbo XOrg driver is now included and enabled by default. Thanks to
* Update Scratch image with further bug fixes
* Include Wolfram Mathematica
* Update to PyPy 2.2
* Update omxplayer
* Include v4l-utils for use with experimental V4L2 Raspberry Pi camera driver
* Update squeak-vm to fix issues with loading JPEGs
* Update Scratch image for further performance improvements
* Include Oracle JDK
* At least a 4GiB SD card is now required (see above)
* Include PyPy 2.1
* Include base piface packages
* Update raspi-config to include bugfix for inheriting language settings
from NOOBS
* Updated to current top of tree firmware
* Update squeak-vm, including fastblit optimised for the Raspbery Pi
* Include Sonic Pi and a fixed jackd2 package
* Support boot to Scratch
* Inherit keyboard and language settings from NOOBS

export-noobs/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
#!/bin/bash -e
unmount_image ${IMG_FILE}
cp ${WORK_DIR}/export-image/${IMG_DATE}-${IMG_NAME}${IMG_SUFFIX}.img ${STAGE_WORK_DIR}/
LOOP_DEV=`kpartx -asv ${IMG_FILE} | grep -E -o -m1 'loop[[:digit:]]+' | head -n 1`
mkdir -p ${STAGE_WORK_DIR}/rootfs
mkdir -p ${STAGE_WORK_DIR}/bootfs
mkdir -p ${NOOBS_DIR}
mount $ROOT_DEV ${STAGE_WORK_DIR}/rootfs
mount $BOOT_DEV ${STAGE_WORK_DIR}/bootfs
tar -I pxz -C ${STAGE_WORK_DIR}/bootfs -cpf ${NOOBS_DIR}/boot.tar.xz .
tar -I pxz -C ${STAGE_WORK_DIR}/rootfs -cpf ${NOOBS_DIR}/root.tar.xz .
unmount_image ${IMG_FILE}