#!/bin/bash : <<'DISCLAIMER' THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. This script is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. Unless otherwise noted, code reproduced herein was written for this script. - The Pimoroni Crew - (modified by Adafruit!) DISCLAIMER # script control variables productname="i2s amplifier" # the name of the product to install scriptname="i2samp" # the name of this script spacereq=1 # minimum size required on root partition in MB debugmode="no" # whether the script should use debug routines debuguser="none" # optional test git user to use in debug mode debugpoint="none" # optional git repo branch or tag to checkout forcesudo="no" # whether the script requires to be ran with root privileges promptreboot="no" # whether the script should always prompt user to reboot mininstall="no" # whether the script enforces minimum install routine customcmd="yes" # whether to execute commands specified before exit armhfonly="yes" # whether the script is allowed to run on other arch armv6="yes" # whether armv6 processors are supported armv7="yes" # whether armv7 processors are supported armv8="yes" # whether armv8 processors are supported raspbianonly="no" # whether the script is allowed to run on other OSes osreleases=( "Raspbian" ) # list os-releases supported oswarning=( "Debian" "Kano" "Mate" "PiTop" "Ubuntu" ) # list experimental os-releases osdeny=( "Darwin" "Kali" ) # list os-releases specifically disallowed FORCE=$1 DEVICE_TREE=true ASK_TO_REBOOT=false CURRENT_SETTING=false UPDATE_DB=false BOOTCMD=/boot/cmdline.txt CONFIG=/boot/config.txt APTSRC=/etc/apt/sources.list INITABCONF=/etc/inittab BLACKLIST=/etc/modprobe.d/raspi-blacklist.conf LOADMOD=/etc/modules DTBODIR=/boot/overlays # function define prompt() { read -r -p "$1 [y/N] " response < /dev/tty if [[ $response =~ ^(yes|y|Y)$ ]]; then true else false fi } success() { echo -e "$(tput setaf 2)$1$(tput sgr0)" } inform() { echo -e "$(tput setaf 6)$1$(tput sgr0)" } warning() { echo -e "$(tput setaf 1)$1$(tput sgr0)" } newline() { echo "" } progress() { count=0 until [ $count -eq $1 ]; do echo -n "..." && sleep 1 ((count++)) done echo } sudocheck() { if [ $(id -u) -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "Install must be run as root. Try 'sudo ./$scriptname'\n" exit 1 fi } sysclean() { sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get autoclean sudo apt-get -y autoremove &> /dev/null } sysupdate() { if ! $UPDATE_DB; then echo "Updating apt indexes..." && progress 3 & sudo apt-get update 1> /dev/null || { warning "Apt failed to update indexes!" && exit 1; } echo "Reading package lists..." progress 3 && UPDATE_DB=true fi } sysupgrade() { sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get autoclean sudo apt-get -y autoremove &> /dev/null } sysreboot() { warning "Some changes made to your system require" warning "your computer to reboot to take effect." newline if prompt "Would you like to reboot now?"; then sync && sudo reboot fi } arch_check() { IS_ARMHF=false IS_ARMv6=false if uname -m | grep "armv.l" > /dev/null; then IS_ARMHF=true if uname -m | grep "armv6l" > /dev/null; then IS_ARMv6=true fi fi } os_check() { IS_RASPBIAN=false IS_MACOSX=false IS_SUPPORTED=false IS_EXPERIMENTAL=false if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then if cat /etc/os-release | grep "Raspbian" > /dev/null; then IS_RASPBIAN=true && IS_SUPPORTED=true fi if command -v apt-get > /dev/null; then for os in ${osreleases[@]}; do if cat /etc/os-release | grep $os > /dev/null; then IS_SUPPORTED=true && IS_EXPERIMENTAL=false fi done for os in ${oswarning[@]}; do if cat /etc/os-release | grep $os > /dev/null; then IS_SUPPORTED=false && IS_EXPERIMENTAL=true fi done for os in ${osdeny[@]}; do if cat /etc/os-release | grep $os > /dev/null; then IS_SUPPORTED=false && IS_EXPERIMENTAL=false fi done fi fi if [ -d ~/.kano-settings ] || [ -d ~/.kanoprofile ]; then IS_RASPBIAN=false for os in ${oswarning[@]}; do if [ $os == "Kano" ]; then IS_SUPPORTED=false && IS_EXPERIMENTAL=true fi done for os in ${osdeny[@]}; do if [ $os == "Kano" ]; then IS_SUPPORTED=false && IS_EXPERIMENTAL=false fi done fi if [ -f ~/.pt-dashboard-config ] || [ -d ~/.pt-dashboard ]; then IS_RASPBIAN=false for os in ${oswarning[@]}; do if [ $os == "PiTop" ]; then IS_SUPPORTED=false && IS_EXPERIMENTAL=true fi done for os in ${osdeny[@]}; do if [ $os == "PiTop" ]; then IS_SUPPORTED=false && IS_EXPERIMENTAL=false fi done fi if [ -d ~/.config/ubuntu-mate ]; then for os in ${osdeny[@]}; do if [ $os == "Mate" ]; then IS_SUPPORTED=false && IS_EXPERIMENTAL=false fi done fi if uname -s | grep "Darwin" > /dev/null; then IS_MACOSX=true for os in ${osdeny[@]}; do if [ $os == "Darwin" ]; then IS_SUPPORTED=false && IS_EXPERIMENTAL=false fi done fi } raspbian_check() { IS_SUPPORTED=false IS_EXPERIMENTAL=false if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then if cat /etc/os-release | grep "/sid" > /dev/null; then IS_SUPPORTED=false && IS_EXPERIMENTAL=true elif cat /etc/os-release | grep "stretch" > /dev/null; then IS_SUPPORTED=false && IS_EXPERIMENTAL=true elif cat /etc/os-release | grep "jessie" > /dev/null; then IS_SUPPORTED=true && IS_EXPERIMENTAL=false elif cat /etc/os-release | grep "wheezy" > /dev/null; then IS_SUPPORTED=true && IS_EXPERIMENTAL=false else IS_SUPPORTED=false && IS_EXPERIMENTAL=false fi fi } : <<'MAINSTART' Perform all global variables declarations as well as function definition above this section for clarity, thanks! MAINSTART # checks and init arch_check os_check if [ $debugmode != "no" ]; then echo "USER_HOME is $USER_HOME" && newline echo "IS_RASPBIAN is $IS_RASPBIAN" echo "IS_MACOSX is $IS_MACOSX" echo "IS_SUPPORTED is $IS_SUPPORTED" echo "IS_EXPERIMENTAL is $IS_EXPERIMENTAL" newline fi if ! $IS_ARMHF; then warning "This hardware is not supported, sorry!" warning "Config files have been left untouched" newline && exit 1 fi if $IS_ARMv8 && [ $armv8 == "no" ]; then warning "Sorry, your CPU is not supported by this installer" newline && exit 1 elif $IS_ARMv7 && [ $armv7 == "no" ]; then warning "Sorry, your CPU is not supported by this installer" newline && exit 1 elif $IS_ARMv6 && [ $armv6 == "no" ]; then warning "Sorry, your CPU is not supported by this installer" newline && exit 1 fi if [ $raspbianonly == "yes" ] && ! $IS_RASPBIAN;then warning "This script is intended for Raspbian on a Raspberry Pi!" newline && exit 1 fi if $IS_RASPBIAN; then raspbian_check if ! $IS_SUPPORTED && ! $IS_EXPERIMENTAL; then newline && warning "--- Warning ---" && newline echo "The $productname installer" echo "does not work on this version of Raspbian." echo "Check https://github.com/$gitusername/$gitreponame" echo "for additional information and support" newline && exit 1 fi fi if ! $IS_SUPPORTED && ! $IS_EXPERIMENTAL; then warning "Your operating system is not supported, sorry!" newline && exit 1 fi if $IS_EXPERIMENTAL; then warning "Support for your operating system is experimental. Please visit" warning "forums.adafruit.com if you experience issues with this product." newline fi if [ $forcesudo == "yes" ]; then sudocheck fi newline echo "This script will install everything needed to use" echo "$productname" newline newline echo "Checking hardware requirements..." if [ -e $CONFIG ] && grep -q "^device_tree=$" $CONFIG; then DEVICE_TREE=false fi if $DEVICE_TREE; then newline echo "Adding Device Tree Entry to $CONFIG" if [ -e $CONFIG ] && grep -q "^dtoverlay=hifiberry-dac$" $CONFIG; then echo "dtoverlay already active" else echo "dtoverlay=hifiberry-dac" | sudo tee -a $CONFIG ASK_TO_REBOOT=true fi if [ -e $BLACKLIST ]; then newline echo "Commenting out Blacklist entry in " echo "$BLACKLIST" sudo sed -i -e "s|^blacklist[[:space:]]*i2c-bcm2708.*|#blacklist i2c-bcm2708|" \ -e "s|^blacklist[[:space:]]*snd-soc-pcm512x.*|#blacklist snd-soc-pcm512x|" \ -e "s|^blacklist[[:space:]]*snd-soc-wm8804.*|#blacklist snd-soc-wm8804|" $BLACKLIST &> /dev/null fi else newline echo "No Device Tree Detected, not supported" newline exit 1 fi if [ -e $CONFIG ] && grep -q -E "^dtparam=audio=on$" $CONFIG; then bcm2835off="no" newline echo "Disabling default sound driver" sudo sed -i "s|^dtparam=audio=on$|#dtparam=audio=on|" $CONFIG &> /dev/null if [ -e $LOADMOD ] && grep -q "^snd-bcm2835" $LOADMOD; then sudo sed -i "s|^snd-bcm2835|#snd-bcm2835|" $LOADMOD &> /dev/null fi ASK_TO_REBOOT=true elif [ -e $LOADMOD ] && grep -q "^snd-bcm2835" $LOADMOD; then bcm2835off="no" newline echo "Disabling default sound module" sudo sed -i "s|^snd-bcm2835|#snd-bcm2835|" $LOADMOD &> /dev/null ASK_TO_REBOOT=true else newline echo "Default sound driver currently not loaded" bcm2835off="yes" fi echo "Configuring sound output" if [ -e /etc/asound.conf ]; then if [ -e /etc/asound.conf.old ]; then sudo rm -f /etc/asound.conf.old fi sudo mv /etc/asound.conf /etc/asound.conf.old fi sudo echo -e "pcm.\041default {\n type hw\n card 0\n}" > ~/asound.conf sudo echo -e "ctl.\041default {\n type hw\n card 0\n}" >> ~/asound.conf sudo mv ~/asound.conf /etc/asound.conf if [ $bcm2835off == "yes" ]; then newline echo "We can now test your $productname" warning "Set your speakers at a low volume!" if confirm "Do you wish to test your system now?"; then echo "Testing..." speaker-test -l5 -c2 -t wav fi fi newline success "All done!" newline echo "Enjoy your new $productname!" newline exit 0