#!/bin/bash -e ##--------------------------- ## Functions ##--------------------------- run_sub_stage() { log "Begin ${SUB_STAGE_DIR}" pushd ${SUB_STAGE_DIR} > /dev/null # Loop through each substage for i in {00..99}; do # Check for debconf stage if [ -f ${i}-debconf ]; then log "Begin ${SUB_STAGE_DIR}/${i}-debconf" on_chroot sh -e - << EOF debconf-set-selections < /dev/null if [ "${CLEAN}" = "1" ]; then rm -rf .pc rm -rf *-pc fi QUILT_PATCHES=${SUB_STAGE_DIR}/${i}-patches mkdir -p ${i}-pc ln -sf ${i}-pc .pc if [ -e ${SUB_STAGE_DIR}/${i}-patches/EDIT ]; then echo "Dropping into bash to edit patches..." bash fi quilt upgrade RC=0 quilt push -a || RC=$? case "$RC" in 0|2) ;; *) false ;; esac popd > /dev/null log "End ${SUB_STAGE_DIR}/${i}-patches" fi # Run the substages run script if [ -x ${i}-run.sh ]; then log "Begin ${SUB_STAGE_DIR}/${i}-run.sh" ./${i}-run.sh log "End ${SUB_STAGE_DIR}/${i}-run.sh" fi # Run the substages chroot script if [ -f ${i}-run-chroot ]; then log "Begin ${SUB_STAGE_DIR}/${i}-run-chroot" on_chroot sh -e - < ${i}-run-chroot log "End ${SUB_STAGE_DIR}/${i}-run-chroot" fi done popd > /dev/null log "End ${SUB_STAGE_DIR}" } run_stage(){ log "Begin ${STAGE_DIR}" STAGE=$(basename ${STAGE_DIR}) pushd ${STAGE_DIR} > /dev/null # Unmount this stage's folder on the filesystem unmount ${WORK_DIR}/${STAGE} # Set the working directory for this stage STAGE_WORK_DIR=${WORK_DIR}/${STAGE} # Set the root directory for this stage ROOTFS_DIR=${STAGE_WORK_DIR}/rootfs if [ -f ${STAGE_DIR}/EXPORT_IMAGE ]; then EXPORT_DIRS="${EXPORT_DIRS} ${STAGE_DIR}" fi # Check to see if we should skip this stage (seemingly never) if [ ! -f SKIP ]; then # Clean the rootfs, if requested if [ "${CLEAN}" = "1" ]; then if [ -d ${ROOTFS_DIR} ]; then rm -rf ${ROOTFS_DIR} fi fi # Run the pre-run script if [ -x prerun.sh ]; then log "Begin ${STAGE_DIR}/prerun.sh" ./prerun.sh log "End ${STAGE_DIR}/prerun.sh" fi # For each substage, run the run_sub_stage command for it for SUB_STAGE_DIR in ${STAGE_DIR}/*; do if [ -d ${SUB_STAGE_DIR} ] && [ ! -f ${SUB_STAGE_DIR}/SKIP ]; then run_sub_stage fi done fi # Unmount the stag again unmount ${WORK_DIR}/${STAGE} # Set the previous stage info to this stage for the next stage to use PREV_STAGE=${STAGE} PREV_STAGE_DIR=${STAGE_DIR} PREV_ROOTFS_DIR=${ROOTFS_DIR} popd > /dev/null log "End ${STAGE_DIR}" } ##--------------------------- ## Start Build ##--------------------------- # Require Root to run if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then echo "Please run as root" 1>&2 exit 1 fi # Handle input options for i in "$@" do case $i in --imagename=*) IMG_NAME="${i#*=}" shift ;; # Username to use in rootfs --username=*) USER_NAME="${i#*=}" shift ;; # Hostname to use in rootfs --password=*) PASS_WORD="${i#*=}" shift ;; # Hostname to use in rootfs --hostname=*) HOST_NAME="${i#*=}" shift ;; # unknown option *) ;; esac done if [ -z "${IMG_NAME}" ]; then echo "No image name specified, defaulting to \"raspbian\"" IMG_NAME="raspbian" fi if [ -z "$USER_NAME" ] then echo "No username specified, defaulting to \"pi\"" USER_NAME="pi" fi if [ -z "$PASS_WORD" ] then echo "No username specified, defaulting to \"raspberry\"" PASS_WORD="raspberry" fi if [ -z "$HOST_NAME" ] then echo "No hostname specified, defaulting to \"raspberrypi\"" HOST_NAME="raspberrypi" fi # Source a config file if it exists if [ -f config ]; then source config fi # Set and export other env variables export USER_NAME export HOST_NAME export PASS_WORD export IMG_NAME export BASE_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" export SCRIPT_DIR="${BASE_DIR}/scripts" <<<<<<< HEAD export WORK_DIR="${BASE_DIR}/work/${IMG_NAME}" ======= export WORK_DIR="${BASE_DIR}/work/${IMG_DATE}-${IMG_NAME}" export DEPLOY_DIR="${BASE_DIR}/deploy" >>>>>>> bdca3e3b48e72df796ec7b1a24a26c08b2dcfa67 export LOG_FILE="${WORK_DIR}/build.log" export CLEAN export APT_PROXY export STAGE export STAGE_DIR export STAGE_WORK_DIR export PREV_STAGE export PREV_STAGE_DIR export ROOTFS_DIR export PREV_ROOTFS_DIR export IMG_SUFFIX export EXPORT_DIR export EXPORT_ROOTFS_DIR export QUILT_PATCHES export QUILT_NO_DIFF_INDEX=1 export QUILT_NO_DIFF_TIMESTAMPS=1 export QUILT_REFRESH_ARGS="-p ab" source ${SCRIPT_DIR}/common # Create working directory mkdir -p ${WORK_DIR} log "Begin ${BASE_DIR}" # Successively build each stage for STAGE_DIR in ${BASE_DIR}/stage*; do run_stage done STAGE_DIR=${BASE_DIR}/export-image CLEAN=1 for EXPORT_DIR in ${EXPORT_DIRS}; do IMG_SUFFIX=$(cat ${EXPORT_DIR}/EXPORT_IMAGE) EXPORT_ROOTFS_DIR=${WORK_DIR}/$(basename ${EXPORT_DIR})/rootfs run_stage done log "End ${BASE_DIR}"