#!/bin/bash -e DOCKER="docker" set +e $DOCKER ps >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? != 0 ]; then DOCKER="sudo docker" fi if ! $DOCKER ps >/dev/null; then echo "error connecting to docker:" $DOCKER ps exit 1 fi set -e config_file=() if [ -f config ]; then config_file=("--env-file" "$(pwd)/config") source config fi CONTAINER_NAME=${CONTAINER_NAME:-pigen_work} CONTINUE=${CONTINUE:-0} if [ "$*" != "" ] || [ -z "${IMG_NAME}" ]; then if [ -z "${IMG_NAME}" ]; then echo "IMG_NAME not set in 'config'" 1>&2 echo 1>&2 fi cat >&2 < ) CONTAINER_NAME=pigen_work set a name for the build container CONTINUE=0 continue from a previously started container EOF exit 1 fi CONTAINER_EXISTS=$($DOCKER ps -a --filter name="$CONTAINER_NAME" -q) CONTAINER_RUNNING=$($DOCKER ps --filter name="$CONTAINER_NAME" -q) if [ "$CONTAINER_RUNNING" != "" ]; then echo "The build is already running in container $CONTAINER_NAME. Aborting." exit 1 fi if [ "$CONTAINER_EXISTS" != "" ] && [ "$CONTINUE" != "1" ]; then echo "Container $CONTAINER_NAME already exists and you did not specify CONTINUE=1. Aborting." echo "You can delete the existing container like this:" echo " $DOCKER rm -v $CONTAINER_NAME" exit 1 fi $DOCKER build -t pi-gen . if [ "$CONTAINER_EXISTS" != "" ]; then trap "echo 'got CTRL+C... please wait 5s'; $DOCKER stop -t 5 ${CONTAINER_NAME}_cont" SIGINT SIGTERM time $DOCKER run --rm --privileged \ --volumes-from="${CONTAINER_NAME}" --name "${CONTAINER_NAME}_cont" \ -e IMG_NAME=${IMG_NAME}\ pi-gen \ bash -e -o pipefail -c "dpkg-reconfigure qemu-user-static && cd /pi-gen; ./build.sh; rsync -av work/*/build.log deploy/" & wait "$!" else trap "echo 'got CTRL+C... please wait 5s'; $DOCKER stop -t 5 ${CONTAINER_NAME}" SIGINT SIGTERM time $DOCKER run --name "${CONTAINER_NAME}" --privileged \ -e IMG_NAME=${IMG_NAME}\ "${config_file[@]}" \ pi-gen \ bash -e -o pipefail -c "dpkg-reconfigure qemu-user-static && cd /pi-gen; ./build.sh && rsync -av work/*/build.log deploy/" & wait "$!" fi echo "copying results from deploy/" $DOCKER cp "${CONTAINER_NAME}":/pi-gen/deploy . ls -lah deploy $DOCKER rm -v $CONTAINER_NAME echo "Done! Your image(s) should be in deploy/"