/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Copyright (c) 2018 FIRST. All Rights Reserved. */ /* Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code */ /* must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of */ /* the project. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "MyHttpConnection.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "WebSocketHandlers.h" #define ZIPS_DIR "/home/pi/zips" namespace uv = wpi::uv; // static resources namespace wpi { StringRef GetResource_bootstrap_4_1_min_js_gz(); StringRef GetResource_coreui_2_1_min_css_gz(); StringRef GetResource_coreui_2_1_min_js_gz(); StringRef GetResource_feather_4_8_min_js_gz(); StringRef GetResource_jquery_3_3_slim_min_js_gz(); StringRef GetResource_popper_1_14_min_js_gz(); StringRef GetResource_wpilib_128_png(); } // namespace wpi wpi::StringRef GetResource_frcvision_css(); wpi::StringRef GetResource_frcvision_js(); wpi::StringRef GetResource_index_html(); MyHttpConnection::MyHttpConnection(std::shared_ptr stream) : HttpServerConnection(stream), m_websocketHelper(m_request) { // Handle upgrade event m_websocketHelper.upgrade.connect([this] { //wpi::errs() << "got websocket upgrade\n"; // Disconnect HttpServerConnection header reader m_dataConn.disconnect(); m_messageCompleteConn.disconnect(); // Accepting the stream may destroy this (as it replaces the stream user // data), so grab a shared pointer first. auto self = shared_from_this(); // Accept the upgrade auto ws = m_websocketHelper.Accept(m_stream, "frcvision"); // Connect the websocket open event to our connected event. // Pass self to delay destruction until this callback happens ws->open.connect_extended([self, s = ws.get()](auto conn, wpi::StringRef) { wpi::errs() << "websocket connected\n"; InitWs(*s); conn.disconnect(); // one-shot }); ws->text.connect([s = ws.get()](wpi::StringRef msg, bool) { ProcessWsText(*s, msg); }); ws->binary.connect([s = ws.get()](wpi::ArrayRef msg, bool) { ProcessWsBinary(*s, msg); }); }); } class FsReq : public uv::RequestImpl { public: FsReq() { error = [this](uv::Error err) { GetLoop().error(err); }; } uv::Loop& GetLoop() const { return *static_cast(GetRaw()->loop->data); } wpi::sig::Signal<> complete; }; void Sendfile(uv::Loop& loop, uv_file out, uv_file in, int64_t inOffset, size_t len, std::function complete) { auto req = std::make_shared(); if (complete) req->complete.connect(complete); int err = uv_fs_sendfile(loop.GetRaw(), req->GetRaw(), out, in, inOffset, len, [](uv_fs_t* req) { auto& h = *static_cast(req->data); h.complete(); h.Release(); // this is always a one-shot }); if (err < 0) { loop.ReportError(err); complete(); } else { req->Keep(); } } void MyHttpConnection::SendFileResponse(int code, const wpi::Twine& codeText, const wpi::Twine& contentType, const wpi::Twine& filename, const wpi::Twine& extraHeader) { // open file int infd; if (wpi::sys::fs::openFileForRead(filename, infd)) { SendError(404); return; } // get status (to get file size) wpi::sys::fs::file_status status; if (wpi::sys::fs::status(infd, status)) { SendError(404); ::close(infd); return; } uv_os_fd_t outfd; int err = uv_fileno(m_stream.GetRawHandle(), &outfd); if (err < 0) { m_stream.GetLoopRef().ReportError(err); SendError(404); ::close(infd); return; } wpi::SmallVector toSend; wpi::raw_uv_ostream os{toSend, 4096}; BuildHeader(os, code, codeText, contentType, status.getSize(), extraHeader); SendData(os.bufs(), false); // close after write completes if we aren't keeping alive Sendfile(m_stream.GetLoopRef(), outfd, infd, 0, status.getSize(), [ infd, closeAfter = !m_keepAlive, stream = &m_stream ] { ::close(infd); if (closeAfter) stream->Close(); }); } void MyHttpConnection::ProcessRequest() { //wpi::errs() << "HTTP request: '" << m_request.GetUrl() << "'\n"; wpi::UrlParser url{m_request.GetUrl(), m_request.GetMethod() == wpi::HTTP_CONNECT}; if (!url.IsValid()) { // failed to parse URL SendError(400); return; } wpi::StringRef path; if (url.HasPath()) path = url.GetPath(); //wpi::errs() << "path: \"" << path << "\"\n"; wpi::StringRef query; if (url.HasQuery()) query = url.GetQuery(); //wpi::errs() << "query: \"" << query << "\"\n"; const bool isGET = m_request.GetMethod() == wpi::HTTP_GET; if (isGET && (path.equals("/") || path.equals("/index.html"))) { SendStaticResponse(200, "OK", "text/html", GetResource_index_html(), false); } else if (isGET && path.equals("/frcvision.css")) { SendStaticResponse(200, "OK", "text/css", GetResource_frcvision_css(), false); } else if (isGET && path.equals("/frcvision.js")) { SendStaticResponse(200, "OK", "text/javascript", GetResource_frcvision_js(), false); } else if (isGET && path.equals("/bootstrap.min.js")) { SendStaticResponse(200, "OK", "text/javascript", wpi::GetResource_bootstrap_4_1_min_js_gz(), true); } else if (isGET && path.equals("/coreui.min.css")) { SendStaticResponse(200, "OK", "text/css", wpi::GetResource_coreui_2_1_min_css_gz(), true); } else if (isGET && path.equals("/coreui.min.js")) { SendStaticResponse(200, "OK", "text/javascript", wpi::GetResource_coreui_2_1_min_js_gz(), true); } else if (isGET && path.equals("/feather.min.js")) { SendStaticResponse(200, "OK", "text/javascript", wpi::GetResource_feather_4_8_min_js_gz(), true); } else if (isGET && path.equals("/jquery-3.3.1.slim.min.js")) { SendStaticResponse(200, "OK", "text/javascript", wpi::GetResource_jquery_3_3_slim_min_js_gz(), true); } else if (isGET && path.equals("/popper.min.js")) { SendStaticResponse(200, "OK", "text/javascript", wpi::GetResource_popper_1_14_min_js_gz(), true); } else if (isGET && path.equals("/wpilib.png")) { SendStaticResponse(200, "OK", "image/png", wpi::GetResource_wpilib_128_png(), false); } else if (isGET && path.startswith("/") && path.endswith(".zip") && !path.contains("..")) { SendFileResponse(200, "OK", "application/zip", wpi::Twine(ZIPS_DIR) + path); } else { SendError(404, "Resource not found"); } }