# TORch Agent Example The example creates a Vagrant machine configured with TORch Agent ## Running the Example #### Install dependencies * [Install Docker](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/) * Install `mosquitto_sub` * `apt install mosquitto-clients` #### Run the Broker Add the following line to your `/etc/hosts` file: ``` mqtt.example.com ``` Run the broker in a terminal window: ```bash ./run-broker.sh ``` #### Run the Subscriber In a separate terminal window, run the subscriber: ```bash ./run-subscriber.sh ``` #### Run TORch Agent in Vagrant Run the Vagrant box in a third terminal window: ```bash vagrant up ``` You should see that the broker received a connection from the Vagrant box at boot up and the subscriber received the onion hostname. You can use a local `tor` proxy to connect to the vagrant box using SSH and the onion hostname.